Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Comparision of dicvised peice and another sun Essay Example For Students

Comparision of dicvised peice and another sun Essay I have just completed a piece of drama practical called Alone on Earth? for part of my drama G.c.s.e. In this essay I intend to compare the similarities and differences between my devised piece and a live performance called Another sun  Another sun is about 3 people. Albert Einstein, Marie curie and Robert Oppenheim; and how they were trying to warn the world about the effects of the atomic bomb. They do this by telling the audience the story of their lives, and the effect that the bomb had on Hiroshima. Our devised piece was about how 5 people were the only survivors left on earth after a nuclear holocaust and we intended to show the audience our relationships with one another, and what we were willing to do in order to survive. We did this by using various flashbacks and confusing the audience.  My first similarity between the two plays was the simple sets that they used. In Another Sun there were lots of staging blocks because it was a piece of physical theatre, and the actors used this to move around elegantly. It was very simple but very effective. Similarly our devised piece Alone on earth? used only one staging block to put the props on. Not only this, but it was used in the background to create a sense on unease on the audience. Another sun highlights the social arguments raised by the atomic bomb and shows the audience how in todays generation is being blamed for global warming, when it was in fact the unchangeable past, when the Americans dropped the atomic bomb.  Alone on Earth also highlighted problems; for example how jealousy and greed can overcome people in todays society. The actors were trying to make a point that we as a nation must change in order for us to live full and happier lives. One difference between the plays was the historical differences. Another sun was a play about the past, and what events have occurred so that we live in the world we do today. On the other hand Alone on earth is about present day, and what might happen if we dont change our ways.  Both plays created an effect on the audience and try to change the way they perceive the world.  The styles of both plays were quite similar; Another Sun was abstract and simplistic in the fact that it wasnt a busy stage. Alone on earth was aimed to be a piece of abstract theatre, and there were 5 actors on stage at all times. Another Sun was preformed in a very small space but the actors used this to create a claustrophobic feel on the audience, like what the victims of the Hiroshima bomb must have felt like.  Alone on earth was preformed on a bigger stage, but the effects were the same. The audience felt trapped and were held by the tension of the piece.  In conclusion, both plays were very similar but the effects on the audience were designed to be very different. Another sun was made to show how socially we are not to be blamed for global warming and how we were warned about it. On the other hand, Alone on earth was made to show how we must change now in order to live in a better world.  The differences in the two pieces were how the history cannot be changed, but if we change our ways now, we may be able to salvage some pride on our earth.

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