Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Ovarian cancer my battle Essays - RTT, Gynaecological Cancer

Ovarian cancer my battle Ovarian cancer is a silent killer most cancers have sign or symptoms but with ovarian cancer a women never knows she has it unless she goes to her doctor and gets her yearly exam with out this screening 90percent of woman go undetected in life without never knowing they have ovarian cancer so please ladies do yourself and your loved ones a favor get your mammograms and pap smears routinely it's the only way to detect this silent killer. I was diagnosed at the age of thirty two I was a single parent of two boys who needed their mother . What do you say to your children when you find out that you have cancer, do you lie to them just to it seem all is good while inside your heart is breaking do you tell them the truth knowing that they will worry every time you walk out the door even to go get groceries will they be thinking is my mommy coming back, seriously what do you say to two small children even though you don't want to you do you look them in the face and reassure the That no matter what you will be there fighting every step of the way and that no matter what you are their mother and that you are going no where you will fight the fight as long as you can and that you need them by your side fighting it with you

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