Saturday, February 29, 2020

A world without Law would be a world without Sin Essay Example for Free

A world without Law would be a world without Sin Essay ? According to one of the Holy Books, the Bible, when God created the first man and woman, He knew as the author and finisher of man that he has mind, a conscience which is 2-sided. It could be destructive or constructive, it could embrace good or shun evil, it could love or hate based on the outline that he knows what is wrong and or right. That was the basic reason why God warned them or gave a strict Law against the act that lead to the very first sin, which is the eating of the fruit of knowledge. Hence, if there wasn’t any Law, the first and subsequent sins wouldn’t have existed. A car, an example of mechanical robot, will have no idea why it was created, which is a reason why a manual will be attached to it by the manufacturer for the use of the possible user[s]. We are all created for a purpose but the significant difference between Man and Machine is the choice and will power. These two tools can be shaped with Law[s] to guide man from being a weapon of personal and group calamity. And when there is no Law[s], then man can do whatever and anything he likes to suit his personal desire at the expense of others which would mean â€Å"No-Sin†. †¦At his best, man is the noblest of all animals; separated from law and justice he is the worst. —- Aristotle It can be said man would be reckless, irresponsible, wild, thoughtless, uncontrolled or careless in a world without law. He would be pitiless when the taste for pleasure clouds his sense of reasoning. The mentality that anything he does is not wrong; just-do-it lingers in the mind of man in a world without Laws because there will not be any form of punishment. It would be a world of no hope for the poor. Government which is supposed to organize the society would not be in existence; there would not be anything like the Legislature to make laws, Executive to administer the laws and Judiciary to interpret the laws. Since the germane objective of Law is to maintain order in a society, the government agencies to carry out crime investigations and the professionals called Lawyers would have no space in a world without laws. Therefore, there will be a paradigm shift where jungle justice takes over the expected capacity of law. Discoveries and inventions will set the world in a state of entropy. Classified experiments such as cloning, stem cell growth and Nuclear weapons would know no limit. The world would be overpopulated for their will not be birth control regulations; strange diseases would be epidemic and pandemic. I can conveniently conclude that the world will fall apart without the law [which is tantamount to a world without sin]. A world without Law would be a world without Sin. (2018, Oct 26).

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

1. Compare two article (see attachment) Coursework

1. Compare two article (see attachment) - Coursework Example This particular study also involves the presence of both qualitative and quantitative approach of research methodology. In terms of qualitative study, article 2 involved in the procedure of data collection through the review of several research articles. However, in this research article, there are no such evidences of application of any sort of theory or model (Black, 2013; MacIntosh & Doherty, 2007). Both the aforesaid articles witnessed the application of quantitative research methodologies. These quantitative research studies in both the articles involved the use of questionnaire for the purpose of gathering primary data from different respondents. In this regard, relating to the research article 1, data has been mainly collected through the framing of a questionnaire, which is specifically designed for two categories including private and public sectors. These involved 547 respondents (Ramachandran & et. al., 2011). On the other hand, in article 2, primary data in the form of questionnaire was mainly collected from the respondents of five different fitness clubs. In this approach, 113 individuals have responded to the questionnaire out of 250 targeted participants (MacIntosh & Doherty, 2007). In this study, questionnaires were sent to 250 clients through mails and out of which 113 of them responded effectively and provided valid responses (MacIntosh & Doherty, 2007). From a contrastive perspective, in article 1, the 547 respondents exclusively involved the faculty members of different higher educational institutes, comprising both public and private. In this study, data was collected by contacting with them through telephones or mail (Ramachandran & et. al., 2011). Furthermore, in article 1, the methodology also involved the presence of a pilot study amid 20 respondents. The reason behind the conduct of pilot study is to determine the

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Obesity is a disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Obesity is a disease - Essay Example With increased viewing of TV and computer today, the energy generated by the flight of the imagination keeps the physical responses from getting expressed. This increases aggression and lethargy in children as well as making them obese. This paper aims to accomplish an understanding about what hazards obesity brings with it. The paper argues that obesity is a disease both for children and for adults. Let’s first ponder upon the reasons why adults and children are getting more and more obese these days. The biggest reason is unhealthy food. People have got busier lives in this competitive world, so they have less time to spend in the grocery store buying cheap but healthy food and in the kitchen over lengthy cooking processes. Thus, they prefer looking for a quick and easy, already prepared, meal that they can grab at a nearby fast food corner. Fast food, also known as junk food, is increasingly becoming an all-American choice, both for adult and for children. When we compare expensive fast food with cheap healthy food, all nutritionists agree on the fact that healthy food is not only cheap but also gives the body all essential nutrients that it needs to stay healthy and active; while, junk food is not only expensive but also deprives the body of important nutrients, thus making people frail, fatigued, inactive, and obese because of empty calories. Another problem is the u se of exaggerated statements and images. For example, when an advertisement says: â€Å"XYZ Fried Chicken, the tastiest and healthiest meal you ever ate!†, it means a lot for children as they are going to believe that the junk food is the healthiest food in the world. Hence, they consume unhealthy food and become obese, which leads to many problems in their later lives such as high blood pressure, diabetes, lethargy, increased cholesterol, and heart diseases. Han, Lawlor and Kimm (2010, p. 1737-1748) assert that disastrous impacts of childhood obesity include type 2 diabetes and